
시간과 비용을 줄이는 전처리 된 데이터셋

전처리 된 데이터셋은 AI 구축 비용을 낮추고 작업 속도를 높일 수 있는 효과적인 서비스입니다. 수동 작업을 최소화하여 합리적인 예산으로 인공지능 테스트와 프로젝트 품질 검증이 가능해집니다.

저희 에펜은 모든 데이터 유형(이미지, 음성, 텍스트, 동영상 등)을 포함한 400개 이상의 데이터셋을 제공합니다. 전처리 된 데이터셋으로 AI 구축을 쉽고 빠르게 시작하세요.

음성 인식 데이터셋

음성 인식 데이터셋

  • 64개 이상의 언어로 된 22,000시간의 음성 인식 데이터 지원
  • 스마트폰 마이크, 고성능 마이크 및 녹음 장비 지원
  • 독백, 자유 연설, 대화 및 다양한 시나리오 지원
  • 조용한 환경, 사무실, 가정, 차량 내부, 및 다양한 녹음 환경 지원
  • 모든 데이터셋에 전사된 텍스트 제공
  • 발음 사전 지원(일부에 한함)

텍스트 데이터셋

텍스트 데이터셋

  • 523만 항목의 98개 언어를 다루는 발음 사전 지원
  • 326만 항목의 22개 언어를 다루는 품사 사전 지원
  • 100만 개 이상의 항목을 8개 언어로 지원하는 NER 데이터셋 제공
  • 3가지 언어를 지원하는 어휘 분석기 제공
이미지 데이터셋

이미지 데이터셋

  • 사진 13,500, 흑백 머그샷 1,000장 지원
  • 한국어, 영어, 태국어, 힌디어, 스페인어, 핀란드어를 포함한 12,000장의 OCR 이미지 지원
  • 2,196장의 멀티 라벨링 이미지 데이터베이스 지원
  • 멀티 포즈와 다중 조명 인물 사진 680장 지원
동영상 데이터셋

동영상 데이터셋

  • 0~3세 영유아의 울음소리 100개(각 1분) 지원
  • 한국어, 독일어, 태국어 자막이 있는 동영상 지원
자동 조종 장치 데이터셋

자동 조종 장치 데이터셋

  • 자동차 및 자동차 번호판 이미지 지원
  • 프랑스어, 네덜란드어, 스페인어, 이탈리아어, 영어, 러시아어 등으로 구성된 차량 내 ASR 데이터셋 지원
음성 합성(TTS) 데이터셋

음성 합성(TTS) 데이터셋

  • 다국어 데이터셋 지원
  • 20개 이상의 각기 다른 언어를 사용하는 400명의 전문 성우 리소스 지원


데이터셋 활용 분야

데이터셋 활용 분야


운전자 행동 인식 데이터셋: 운전자의 자세와 위험 행동, 피로도 감지.

승객 안전 모니터링 데이터셋: 차에 남겨진 어린이나 애완동물 및 위험 품목 식별

차량 내부 음성 데이터셋: 음성 내비게이션과 스마트 드라이빙 구축

차량 외부 데이터셋: 도로의 차선, 장애물 및 주차 공간 식별

고객 서비스

고객 서비스

자연어처리 데이터셋: AI와 유사한 대화 프로그램을 생성하고 스마트 온라인 고객 서비스 지원

TTS 음성 데이터셋: 텍스트 파일을 실시간으로 변환하고 자연스러운 음성 스트림으로 변환

스마트 금융

스마트 금융

재무 OCR 데이터셋: 텍스트 전사 인식 자동화를 통해 계약 검토나 금융 및 보험 분야의 OCR 지원

스마트 홈

스마트 홈

음성 인식 데이터셋: 에어컨과 같이 가정에서 쓰이는 전자 제품의 기능적 프롬프트 및 스마트 상호 작용 지원

장애물 이미지 데이터셋: 로봇 청소기의 물체 식별과 장애물 통과 기능 지원

스마트 기기

스마트 기기

얼굴 인식·음성 인식 데이터셋: 스마트 장치 애플리케이션 배포 지원
스마트 보안

스마트 보안

얼굴 인식·위험 행동 추적 데이터셋: 스마트 보안 인공 지능 구축 지원

전처리 된 데이터셋으로 AI 구축을 쉽고 빠르게 시작하세요



80개 이상의 언어로 된 400개 이상의 오디오, 이미지, 비디오, 텍스트 데이터셋으로 구성된 광범위한 카탈로그를 찾아보세요. 전처리된 데이터셋으로 더 빠른 작업이 가능해집니다.

Dataset NameProduct TypeCommon Use CasesRecording DeviceUnit
Dataset NameProduct TypeCommon Use CasesRecording DeviceUnit
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Albanian (Albania) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A12,000 words Addsqi_ALB_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryAlbanianAlbaniaN/AN/AN/AN/A12,000N/AtextAlbanian (Albania) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Amharic (Ethiopia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A45,000 words Addamh_ETH_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryAmharicEthiopiaN/AN/AN/AN/A45,000N/AtextAmharic (Ethiopia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Arabic (Algeria) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A11,000 words Addara_DZA_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryArabicAlgeriaN/AN/AN/AN/A11,000N/AtextArabic (Algeria) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Arabic (Eastern Algeria) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline29 hours AddEAR_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechArabicAlgeriaLow background noise (home/office)4962Available on request11,3278alawDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
For the majority of calls, both speakers (in-line/out-line) were collected and transcribed however, for a smaller number of calls, only one half of the conversation was collected and transcribed
8% landline, 92% mobile
Arabic (Eastern Algeria) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Arabic (Egypt) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A40,000 words Addara_EGY_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryArabicEgyptN/AN/AN/AN/A40,000N/AtextArabic (Egypt) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Arabic (Egypt) scripted smartphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMobile phone352 hours AddARE_ASR001_CNAppen ChinaScripted SpeechArabicEgyptLow background noise (home/office)6271128,908207,57616wavDataset contains audio with corresponding text prompts
Text prompts are not vowelised
Arabic (Egypt) scripted smartphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Arabic (Iraq) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A13,000 words Addara_IRQ_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryArabicIraqN/AN/AN/AN/A13,000N/AtextArabic (Iraq) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Arabic (Iraq) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A15,000 words Addara_IRQ_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryArabicIraqN/AN/AN/AN/A15,000N/AtextPerson namesArabic (Iraq) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Arabic (Libya) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A48,000 words Addara_LBY_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryArabicLibyaN/AN/AN/AN/A48,000N/AtextArabic (Libya) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Arabic (Modern Standard Arabic) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone12 hours AddMSA_ASR001Global PhoneScripted SpeechArabicTunisiaLow background noise (home/office)7814,908Available on request16wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Arabic (Modern Standard Arabic) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Arabic (Morocco) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline33 hours AddARY_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechArabicMoroccoLow background noise180280,54423,8368alawEach speaker participated in 1 to 4 conversations. Speakers are identified by a unique 4-digit speaker ID which is recorded in the demographic file
Transcription is available in original script and fully reversible Romanised version with accompanying pronunciation lexicon
English translation of product transcription is available (ARY_MT001, ARY_ASRMT001)
Arabic (Morocco) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Arabic (Morocco) conversational telephony translation
Text MT, Chatbot , Conversational AIN/A80,544 utterances AddARY_MT001Appen GlobalConversational TranslationArabicMoroccoN/A180N/A80,43023,844N/AtextCorresponding audio, transcription, fully reversible romanised transcription and pronunciation lexicon data are available (ARY_ASR001, ARY_ASRMT001)Arabic (Morocco) conversational telephony translation
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Arabic (Morocco) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A60,000 words Addara_MAR_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryArabicMoroccoN/AN/AN/AN/A60,000N/AtextArabic (Morocco) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Arabic (N/A) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A40,000 words Addarb_N/A_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryArabicN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A40,000N/AtextArabic (N/A) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Arabic (Saudi Arabia) scripted smartphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMobile phone322 hours AddARS_ASR001_CNAppen ChinaScripted SpeechArabicSaudi ArabiaLow background noise (home/office)2271104,574156,28216wavDataset contains audio with corresponding text prompts
Text prompts are not vowelised
300-1000 prompts per speaker covering general content including education, sports, entertainment, travel, culture and technology
Arabic (Saudi Arabia) scripted smartphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Arabic (Sudan) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A17,000 words Addara_SDN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryArabicSudanN/AN/AN/AN/A17,000N/AtextArabic (Sudan) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Arabic (United Arab Emirates (UAE)) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A75,000 words Addara_ARE_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryArabicUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)N/AN/AN/AN/A75,000N/AtextArabic (United Arab Emirates (UAE)) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Arabic (United Arab Emirates (UAE)) scripted smartphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMobile phone170 hours AddARU_ASR001_CNAppen ChinaScripted SpeechArabicUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)Low background noise (home/office)133142,35285,77516wavDataset contains audio with corresponding text prompts
Text prompts are not vowelised
Arabic (United Arab Emirates (UAE)) scripted smartphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Arabic (United Arab Emirates (UAE)) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantMobile phone and landline48 hours AddOrienTel United Arab Emirates MCA (Modern Colloquial Arabic)NuanceScripted SpeechArabicUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)Low background noise880143,000Available on request8alawDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
49 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items, phonetically rich sentences and words and spontaneous items for control
Arabic (United Arab Emirates (UAE)) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Arabic (United Arab Emirates (UAE)) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantMobile phone and landline31 hours AddOrienTel United Arab Emirates MSA (Modern Standard Arabic)NuanceScripted SpeechArabicUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)Low background noise500124,500Available on request8alawDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
49 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items, phonetically rich sentences and words and spontaneous items for control
Arabic (United Arab Emirates (UAE)) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Arabic (United Arab Emirates (UAE)/ Saudi Arabia) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone86 hours AddCGA_ASR001Appen GlobalScripted SpeechArabicUnited Arab Emirates (UAE) - Saudi ArabiaLow background noise (home/office)150442,00019,24516raw PCMFully transcribed with acoustic event tagging derived from the SpeechDAT conventions
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
All transcriptions fully vowelized
280 prompts per speaker including 30 Person names (first name and family name) from a set of 15, 10 single isolated digits 0-10, 8-digit sequences (randomly generated), 200 phonetically balanced sentences, 30 x 10-word phonetically balanced word strings
Arabic (United Arab Emirates (UAE)/ Saudi Arabia) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Arabic NER news text
Text NER, Content Classification, Search EnginesN/A20,774 sentences AddARB_NER001Appen GlobalNews NERStandard ArabicN/AN/AN/AN/A20,774Available on requestN/AtextArabic NER news text
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Assamese (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A40,000 words Addasm_IND_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryAssameseIndiaN/AN/AN/AN/A40,000N/AtextAssamese (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Baby crying audio
Audio Baby Monitor, Security & Other Consumer ApplicationsMobile phone3 hours AddCRY_ASR001Appen ChinaHuman SoundN/AChinaLow background noise (home/office)1001N/AN/A16wavCrying sound of babies 0-3 years old, each lasting around 2 minutes.Baby crying audio
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Bahasa Indonesia conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline31 hours AddBAH_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechIndonesianIndonesiaLow background noise1,002230,69511,4808wavDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
For a large proportion of calls, only one half of the conversation was collected and transcribed
28% landline, 72% mobile
Bahasa Indonesia conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Basque (Spain) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A10,000 words Addeus_ESP_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryBasqueSpainN/AN/AN/AN/A10,000N/AtextBasque (Spain) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Bengali (Bangladesh) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline47 hours AddBEN_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechBengaliBangladeshMixed (in-car, roadside, home/office)1,0002108,92317,9228alawDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
Bengali (Bangladesh) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Bengali (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A29,000 words Addben_IND_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryBengaliIndiaN/AN/AN/AN/A29,000N/AtextBengali (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Bulgarian (Bulgaria) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline38 hours AddBUL_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechBulgarianBulgariaLow background noise (home/office)217286,45322,3428alawDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
200 telephony conversations are recorded for this project - 100 speakers make 2 calls each (1 from landline, 1 from mobile) to a pool of 100 call receivers
49% landline, 51% mobile
Conversations cover a range of topics including: Holiday/Leisure, Movies/TV Shows and Work.
Bulgarian (Bulgaria) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Bulgarian (Bulgaria) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A55,000 words Addbul_BGR_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryBulgarianBulgariaN/AN/AN/AN/A55,000N/AtextBulgarian (Bulgaria) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Bulgarian (Bulgaria) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone22 hours AddBUL_ASR002Global PhoneScripted SpeechBulgarianBulgariaLow background noise (home/office)7718,674Available on request16wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Bulgarian (Bulgaria) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-image Business-to-business printed text document OCR
Image Document Processing, Document SearchCamera, scan5,832 documents AddIMG_OCR_B2BAppen GlobalDocument OCRN/AN/AMixed lighting conditionsN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ApngScans and photographs of business-to-business documents containing printed text. 38% Premium Quality images including Purchase Order, Payment Advice or Remittance Advice, Order Confirmation and Delivery note; 64% Standard Quality images in various challenging conditions in a wider range of categories including Complaints or Return, Delivery advice, Delivery note, Dunning, Goods receipt, Invoice, Offer, Order confirmation, Pay slip, Payment Advice or Remittance Advice, Purchase Order, Receipt, and Supplier loadBusiness-to-business printed text document OCR
Down arrow Product Type ots-image Business-to-consumer/other text document OCR
Image Document Processing, Document SearchCamera, scan22,626 documents AddIMG_OCR_B2C_OtherAppen GlobalDocument OCRN/AN/AMixed lighting conditionsN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ApngScans and photographs of business-to-consumer and miscellaneous other category documents containing text: 37% invoices, 42% receipts, 1% documents with tables, 2% handwritten forms and documents, 2% menus, 11% product labels, 2% posters, 3% street signs. 6 Languages collected in 23+ locales: 11% Arabic, 43% English, 4% French, 4% German, 24% Spanish, 14% RussianBusiness-to-consumer/other text document OCR
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Cantonese (China) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A10,000 words Addyue_HKG_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryCantoneseChinaN/AN/AN/AN/A10,000N/AtextTraditionalCantonese (China) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Cantonese (China) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A37,000 words Addyue_CHN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryCantoneseChinaN/AN/AN/AN/A37,000N/AtextSimplifiedCantonese (China) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Cantonese (China) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A40,000 words Addyue_CHN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryCantoneseChinaN/AN/AN/AN/A40,000N/AtextTraditionalCantonese (China) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Catalan (Spain) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A10,000 words Addcat_ESP_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryCatalanSpainN/AN/AN/AN/A10,000N/AtextCatalan (Spain) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Cebuano (Philippines) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A20,000 words Addceb_PHL_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryCebuanoPhilippinesN/AN/AN/AN/A20,000N/AtextCebuano (Philippines) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Chinese (multinational foreigner) scripted smartphone
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone200 hours AddFOREIGNER_ASR001_CNAppen ChinaScripted SpeechMandarin ChineseChinaLow background noise309116wavThis database contains 200 hours of foreigners speaking Chinese from the following countries: Argentina, Egypt, Australia, Russia, the Philippines, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Canada, Kuala Lumpur, Kenya, Laos, Malaysia, Mauritius, the United States, Mongolia, South Africa, Japan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Indonesia, Vietnam
There is no data from South Korea, Brazil, or data recorded by minors.
Each session lasts about an hour; sentence duration ranges between 3-10 seconds
The content is in the form of an individual reading while being recorded on a mobile phone in a home/office environment.
Sensitive data and personal information has been scrubbed.
Chinese (multinational foreigner) scripted smartphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Croatian (Croatia) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline39 hours AddCRO_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechCroatianCroatiaLow background noise (home/office)2002Available on request23,9198alawDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
200 telephony conversations are recorded for this project - 100 speakers make 2 calls each (1 from landline, 1 from mobile) to a pool of 100 call receivers
53% landline, 47% mobile
Conversations cover a range of topics including: News & Current Affairs, Health and Sport.
Croatian (Croatia) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Croatian (Croatia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A20,000 words Addhrv_HRV_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryCroatianCroatiaN/AN/AN/AN/A20,000N/AtextCroatian (Croatia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Croatian (Croatia) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone11 hours AddCRO_ASR002Global PhoneScripted SpeechCroatianCroatiaLow background noise (home/office)9414,49923,92916wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Croatian (Croatia) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Croatian (Croatia) scripted smartphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMobile phone263 hours AddCRO_ASR003_CNAppen ChinaScripted SpeechCroatianCroatiaLow background noise (home/office)243173,467136,14016wavDataset contains audio with corresponding text promptsCroatian (Croatia) scripted smartphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Czech (Czech Republic) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A50,000 words Addces_CZE_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryCzechCzech RepublicN/AN/AN/AN/A50,000N/AtextCzech (Czech Republic) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Czech (Czech Republic) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone31 hours AddCZE_ASR001Global PhoneScripted SpeechCzechCzech RepublicLow background noise (home/office)102112,425Available on request16wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Czech (Czech Republic) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Czech (Czech Republic) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantLandline only93 hours AddCzech SpeechDat(E) DatasetNuanceScripted SpeechCzechCzech RepublicLow background noise1,000152,000Available on request8alawDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
52 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items, and phonetically rich words and sentences
Czech (Czech Republic) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Danish (Denmark) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A100,000 words Adddan_DNK_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryDanishDenmarkN/AN/AN/AN/A100,000N/AtextDanish (Denmark) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Danish (Denmark) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A107,000 words Adddan_DNK_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryDanishDenmarkN/AN/AN/AN/A107,000N/AtextDanish (Denmark) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Danish (Denmark) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone53 hours AddSpeecon DanishNuanceScripted SpeechDanishDenmarkMixed (office, entertainment, car, public place)600 (550 adult speakers and 50 child speakers)4170,000Available on request16Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
290 prompts per adult speaker and 210 prompts per child speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, application words for adult speakers, command (toy, phone and general) for child speakers, phonetically rich words and sentences and free and elicited spontaneous responses for adult speakers
Danish (Denmark) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Dari (Afghanistan) broadcast
Audio ASR, Automatic Captioning, Keyword SpottingMicrophone51 hours AddDAR_BRC001Appen GlobalBroadcast SpeechDariAfghanistanLow background noise (studio)N/A1Available on requestAvailable on requestN/AwavDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Pronunciation lexicon not currently available but can be developed upon request
Dataset is largely speech only and does not include music or advertisements
Data types include: talk shows, interviews, news broadcasts (excluding news reading by anchors)
Dari (Afghanistan) broadcast
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Dari (Afghanistan) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline40 hours AddDAR_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechDariAfghanistanLow background noise5002Available on request11,1688alawDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
Dataset is largely speech only and does not include music or advertisements
13% landline, 87% mobile
Dari (Afghanistan) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Dari (Afghanistan) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A30,000 words Addprs_AFG_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryDariAfghanistanN/AN/AN/AN/A30,000N/AtextDari (Afghanistan) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Dholuo (Kenya) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A20,000 words Addluo_KEN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryDholuoKenyaN/AN/AN/AN/A20,000N/AtextDholuo (Kenya) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Dongbei dialect (China) Conversational Speech
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsRecording pen/microphone84.6 hours AddDONGBEI_ASR001_CNAppen ChinaConversational SpeechDongbei dialectChinaLow background noise268116wavAudio only; transcription not included
Audio recordings cover 19 districts: Shenyang Heping District, Shenhe District, Huanggu District, Dadong District, Tiexi District, Lvyuan District, Chaoyang District, Kuancheng District, Erdao District, Nanguan District, Daoli District, Nangang District, Daowai District, Pingfang District, Songbei District, Xiangfang District, Hulan District, Acheng District and Shuangcheng District
Northeast suburb accents not included, and no minors were recorded.
Each recording session contains 20-30 minutes of free dialogue between 2-5 people.
Sensitive data and personal information has been scrubbed.
Dongbei dialect (China) Conversational Speech
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Dongbei dialect (China) Conversational Speech
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone75.2 hours AddDONGBEI_ASR002_CNAppen ChinaConversational SpeechDongbei dialectChinaLow background noise18518wavAudio only; transcription not included
Audio recordings cover 19 districts: Shenyang Heping District, Shenhe District, Huanggu District, Dadong District, Tiexi District, Lvyuan District, Chaoyang District, Kuancheng District, Erdao District, Nanguan District, Daoli District, Nangang District, Daowai District, Pingfang District, Songbei District, Xiangfang District, Hulan District, Acheng District and Shuangcheng District
Northeast suburb accents not included, and no minors were recorded.
Each recording session contains 20-30 minutes of free dialogue between 2-5 people.
Sensitive data and personal information has been scrubbed.
Dongbei dialect (China) Conversational Speech
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Dutch (Belgium) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone47 hours AddSpeecon Dutch from BelgiumNuanceScripted SpeechDutchBelgiumMixed (office, entertainment, car, public place)600 (550 adult speakers and 50 child speakers)4170,000Available on request16Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
290 prompts per adult speaker and 210 prompts per child speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, application words for adult speakers, command (toy, phone and general) for child speakers, phonetically rich words and sentences and free and elicited spontaneous responses for adult speakers
Dutch (Belgium) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Dutch (Belgium) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantMicrophone80 hours AddFlemish SpeechDat(II) FDB-1000 (FIXED1FL)NuanceScripted SpeechDutchBelgiumLow background noise1,000152,000Available on request8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
52 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items, phonetically rich sentences and words and spontaneous items for control
Dutch (Belgium) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Dutch (Netherlands & Belgium) scripted in-car
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, In Car HMI & EntertainmentMicrophone and mobile phone27 hours AddDutch and Flemish SpeechDat-CarNuanceScripted SpeechDutchNetherland - BelgiumMixed (in-car)302515,100Available on request16 and 8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
125 prompts per adult speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names (some spontaneous), generic command and control items, phonetically rich words and sentences and prompts for spontaneous speech
Dutch (Netherlands & Belgium) scripted in-car
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Dutch (Netherlands) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline36 hours AddNLD_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechDutchNetherlandsLow background noise2002Available on request14,9648alawDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
200 telephony conversations are recorded for this project - 100 speakers make 2 calls each (1 from landline, 1 from mobile) to a pool of 100 call receivers
51% landline, 49% mobile
Conversations cover a range of topics including: Holiday/Leisure, Work and Sport.
Dutch (Netherlands) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Dutch (Netherlands) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A45,000 words Addnld_NLD_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryDutchNetherlandsN/AN/AN/AN/A45,000N/AtextDutch (Netherlands) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Dutch (Netherlands) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone68 hours AddSpeecon Dutch from the NetherlandsNuanceScripted SpeechDutchNetherlandsMixed (office, entertainment, car, public place)600 (550 adult speakers and 50 child speakers)4170,000Available on request16Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
290 prompts per adult speaker and 210 prompts per child speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, application words for adult speakers, command (toy, phone and general) for child speakers, phonetically rich words and sentences and free and elicited spontaneous responses for adult speakers
Dutch (Netherlands) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-image East African facial images
Image Facial RecognitionCamera13500 images AddIMG_FACE_KEN_CNAppen ChinaHuman FaceN/AKenyaMixed background and lighting conditions99N/AN/AN/AN/AjpgImages of 100 participants containing all combinations of 9 different lighting conditions, 2 different distances between participants face and smartphone, 7 different camera angles
A random 32 images per person include occlusions such as sunglasses, masks, wigs or hats
A random 36 shots include different facial expressions including stare, open mouth, pout mouth smile and frown
Lighting conditions: indoor normal light, outdoor normal light, indoor backlight, outdoor backlight, indoor ordinary dark light, full black screen fill light, point light source (white light, street light), neon light (monochromatic red, green and blue, multi-color mixed light), side glare
Distances: 30cm and 50cm
Camera angles: front, left 45°, right 45°, left 15°, right 15°, top 30°, bottom 30°
East African facial images
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound English (Arabic - Levant/Egypt) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline28 hours AddENA_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechEnglishEgyptLow background noise2502Available on request5,6198alaw or wavDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
Average length of calls: 10-15 mins
English (Arabic - Levant/Egypt) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English (Australia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A157,000 words Addeng_AUS_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryEnglishAustraliaN/AN/AN/AN/A157,000N/AtextEnglish (Australia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound English (Australia) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantMobile phone and landline92 hours AddAUS_ASR001Appen GlobalScripted SpeechEnglishAustraliaLow background noise (home/office)500182,50035,1378alawFully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
162 prompts (read speech) per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place, and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items (from a set of 215), phonetically rich sentences and words
English (Australia) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound English (Australia) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantMobile phone and landline118 hours AddAUS_ASR002Appen GlobalScripted SpeechEnglishAustraliaMixed1,000175,00018,9528alawFully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
75 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place, and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items, phonetically rich sentences and words
The prompts are a mixture of 'read' and 'elicited' items where 5 prompts per script are 'spontaneous free speech'
English (Australia) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English (Canada) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A3,000 words Addeng_CAN_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryEnglishCanadaN/AN/AN/AN/A3,000N/AtextEnglish (Canada) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English (Canada) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A50,000 words Addeng_CAN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryEnglishCanadaN/AN/AN/AN/A50,000N/AtextEnglish (Canada) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound English (Canada) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantMobile phone and landline144 hours AddENC_ASR001Appen GlobalScripted SpeechEnglishCanadaMixed1,000199,00012,4838alaw or wavFully transcribed to SALA II/SpeechDAT type conventions
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
99 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place, and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items, phonetically rich sentences and words
English (Canada) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English (Hong Kong) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A18,000 words Addeng_HKG_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryEnglishHong KongN/AN/AN/AN/A18,000N/AtextEnglish (Hong Kong) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound English (India) conversational smartphone
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone143 hours AddENI_ASR003Appen GlobalConversational SpeechEnglishIndiaMixed (home, car, public place, outdoor)2721Available on requestAvailable on request48wavTwo person conversations covering a broad range of generic topics including clothing, culture, education, finance, food, health, history, hospitality, insurance, media/entertainment, sports, travel/holiday, weather and work.
Each speaker participates in up to 12 conversations that are 5-15 minutes long.
Pronunciation lexicon not currently available but can be developed upon request
English (India) conversational smartphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound English (India) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline67 hours AddENI_ASR002Appen GlobalConversational SpeechEnglishIndiaLow background noise540277,56511,6468alaw or wavDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
271 telephony conversations are recorded for this project
English (India) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English (India) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A13,000 words Addeng_IND_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryEnglishIndiaN/AN/AN/AN/A13,000N/AtextEnglish (India) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A60,000 words Addeng_IND_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryEnglishIndiaN/AN/AN/AN/A60,000N/AtextEnglish (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound English (India) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantMobile phone and landline217 hours AddENI_ASR001Appen GlobalScripted SpeechEnglishIndiaMixed2,3581115,5419,1908alaw or wavFully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions.
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon [SAMPA] containing all transcribed words
49 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place, and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items, phonetically rich sentences and words
English (India) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English (Ireland) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A12,000 words Addeng_IRL_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryEnglishIrelandN/AN/AN/AN/A12,000N/AtextEnglish (Ireland) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English (NZ) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A50,000 words Addeng_NZL_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryEnglishNZN/AN/AN/AN/A50,000N/AtextEnglish (NZ) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound English (Philippines) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline53 hours AddENF_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechEnglishPhilippinesLow background noise450241,6027,2728alaw or wavDataset is fully transcribed and time stamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
Average length of calls: 10-15 mins
English (Philippines) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English (Philippines) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A5,000 words Addeng_PHL_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryEnglishPhilippinesN/AN/AN/AN/A5,000N/AtextEnglish (Philippines) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English (United Arab Emirates (UAE)) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A5,000 words Addeng_ARE_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryEnglishUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)N/AN/AN/AN/A5,000N/AtextEnglish (United Arab Emirates (UAE)) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound English (United Arab Emirates (UAE)) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantMobile phone and landline33 hours AddOrienTel English as spoken in the United Arab EmiratesNuanceScripted SpeechEnglishUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)Low background noise500125,500Available on request8alawDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
51 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items, phonetically rich sentences and words and spontaneous items for control
English (United Arab Emirates (UAE)) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound English (United Kingdom) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline150 hours AddUKE_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechEnglishUnited KingdomLow background noise1,1752298,56224,1938wavDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
English (United Kingdom) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound English (United Kingdom) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline50 hours AddUKE_ASR001BAppen GlobalConversational SpeechEnglishUnited KingdomLow background noise1,1502Available on request13,1928wavDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
English (United Kingdom) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English (United Kingdom) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A155,000 words Addeng_GBR_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryEnglishUnited KingdomN/AN/AN/AN/A155,000N/AtextEnglish (United Kingdom) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English (United Kingdom) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A195,000 words Addeng_GBR_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryEnglishUnited KingdomN/AN/AN/AN/A195,000N/AtextEnglish (United Kingdom) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound English (United Kingdom) scripted microphone - single female
Audio TTSHeadset microphone11 hours AddTC-STAR female baseline voice LauraNuanceScripted SpeechEnglishUnited KingdomLow background noise (studio)11Available on requestAvailable on request96Available on requestDataset includes manual orthographic transcription, automatic segmentation into phonemes, automatic generation of pitch marks (where a certain percentage of phonetic segments and pitch marks has been manually checked)
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon with POS, lemma and phonetic transcription
English (United Kingdom) scripted microphone - single female
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound English (United Kingdom) scripted microphone - single male
Audio TTSHeadset microphone7 hours AddTC-STAR male baseline voice IanNuanceScripted SpeechEnglishUnited KingdomLow background noise (studio)11Available on requestAvailable on request96Available on requestDataset includes manual orthographic transcription, automatic segmentation into phonemes, automatic generation of pitch marks (where a certain percentage of phonetic segments and pitch marks has been manually checked)
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon with POS, lemma and phonetic transcription
English (United Kingdom) scripted microphone - single male
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound English (United States - African American) conversational smartphone
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone50 hours AddUSE_ASR004Appen GlobalConversational SpeechEnglishUnited StatesMixed (home, car, public place, outdoor)941Available on requestAvailable on request48wavTwo person conversations recorded on a smartphone covering a broad range of generic topics including clothing, culture, education, finance, food, health, history, hospitality, insurance, media/entertainment, sports, travel/holiday, weather and work.
Each speaker participates in up to 12 conversations that are 5-15 minutes long.
Pronunciation lexicon not currently available but can be developed upon request
English (United States - African American) conversational smartphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English (United States) Conversation SMS - Threaded
Text Virtual Assistant, ChatbotN/A952,677 messages AddENG_SMS001Appen GlobalSMS text messagesEnglishUnited StatesN/AAvailable on requestN/A952,677Available on requestN/AtextThis dataset contains threaded SMS conversations between 2 participants, using iMessage and Android SMS. All messages are in US English. Contains timestamps and text message exchanges, with metadata including gender, age range and relationship between participants. Consent is obtained from all participants and the dataset does not contain PII.English (United States) Conversation SMS - Threaded
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English (United States) Conversation SMS - Threaded
Text Virtual Assistant, ChatbotN/A106,649 messages AddENG_SMS001AAppen GlobalSMS text messagesEnglishUnited StatesN/A390N/A106,649Available on requestN/AtextThis is a subset of ENG_SMS001. This dataset contains threaded SMS conversations between 2 participants, using iMessage and Android SMS. All messages are in US English. Contains timestamps and text message exchanges, with metadata including gender, age range and relationship between participants. Consent is obtained from all participants and the dataset does not contain PII.English (United States) Conversation SMS - Threaded
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English (United States) Conversation WhatsApp - Threaded
Text Virtual Assistant, ChatbotN/A351,826 messages AddENG_SMS002Appen GlobalWhatsApp text messagesEnglishUnited StatesN/AAvailable on requestN/A351,826Available on requestN/AtextThis dataset contains threaded text message conversations between 2 participants, using WhatsApp. All messages are in US English. Contains timestamps and text message exchanges, with metadata including gender, age range and relationship between participants. Consent is obtained from all participants and the dataset does not contain PII.English (United States) Conversation WhatsApp - Threaded
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound English (United States) conversational smartphone
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone1000 hours AddUSE_ASR003Appen GlobalConversational SpeechEnglishUnited StatesLow background noise2,0001500,00052,58616wavDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
Conversations cover a wide variety of topics including: study/major/work, hometown, living arrangements, weather and seasons, punctuality, TV programs/film)
English (United States) conversational smartphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English (United States) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A263,000 words Addeng_USA_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryEnglishUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/A263,000N/AtextEnglish (United States) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English (United States) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A330,000 words Addeng_USA_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryEnglishUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/A330,000N/AtextEnglish (United States) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound English (United States) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone53 hours AddSpeecon English (USA) databaseNuanceScripted SpeechEnglishUnited StatesMixed (office, entertainment, car, public place)600 (550 adult speakers and 50 child speakers)4170,000Available on request16Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
290 prompts per adult speaker and 210 prompts per child speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, application words for adult speakers, command (toy, phone and general) for child speakers, phonetically rich words and sentences and free and elicited spontaneous responses for adult speakers
English (United States) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound English (United States) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone62 hours AddUSE_ASR001Appen GlobalScripted SpeechEnglishUnited StatesLow background noise (studio)200280,00018,31848raw PCM or wav PCMDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is formatted according to SALA II/SpeechDAT style conventions
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
Each speaker read 400 prompts including digits, natural numbers, personal and city names, telephone numbers, generic command and control items, phonetically rich sentences and words
English (United States) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text English NER news text
Text NER, Content Classification, Search EnginesN/A22,768 sentences AddENG_NER001Appen GlobalNews NEREnglishN/AN/AN/AN/A22,768Available on requestN/AtextEnglish NER news text
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Farsi/Persian NER news text
Text NER, Content Classification, Search EnginesN/A19,584 sentences AddFAR_NER001Appen GlobalNews NERIranian PersianIranN/AN/AN/A19,584Available on requestN/AtextFarsi/Persian NER news text
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Finnish (Finland) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A10,000 words Addfin_FIN_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryFinnishFinlandN/AN/AN/AN/A10,000N/AtextFinnish (Finland) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-image Finnish (Finland) printed text OCR
Image Document Processing, Document SearchCamera7293 images AddIMG_OCR_FIN_CNAppen ChinaDocument OCRFinnishFinlandMixed lighting conditions4N/AN/AN/AN/AjpgImages containing text, such as billboards / outer packaging / signage / magazines / menus, etc.Finnish (Finland) printed text OCR
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Finnish (Finland) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A85,000 words Addfin_FIN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryFinnishFinlandN/AN/AN/AN/A85,000N/AtextFinnish (Finland) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text French (Algeria) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A4,000 words Addfra_DZA_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryFrenchAlgeriaN/AN/AN/AN/A4,000N/AtextArabic scriptFrench (Algeria) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound French (Belgium) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantLandline only76 hours AddBelgian French SpeechDat(II) FDB-1000 (FIXED1BF)NuanceScripted SpeechFrenchBelgiumLow background noise1,000153,000Available on request8alawDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
53 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items, phonetically rich sentences and words and spontaneous items for control
French (Belgium) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound French (Canada) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline9 hours AddFRC_ASR003Appen GlobalConversational SpeechFrenchCanadaMixed682Available on request6,0228alawDataset is fully transcribed and time stamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
Average length of calls: 10-15 mins
For the majority of calls, only one half of the conversation was collected and transcribed, however, for a smaller number of calls, both speakers (in-line/out-line) were collected and transcribed
French (Canada) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text French (Canada) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A67,000 words Addfra_CAN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryFrenchCanadaN/AN/AN/AN/A67,000N/AtextFrench (Canada) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound French (Canada) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone46 hours AddFRC_ASR002Appen GlobalScripted SpeechFrenchCanadaLow background noise (home/office)150122,50010,75516wavDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
150 prompts per speaker including digits, digit strings (randomly generated), addressses and phonetically rich sentences and words
French (Canada) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound French (Canada) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantMobile phone131 hours AddFRC_ASR001Appen GlobalScripted SpeechFrenchCanadaMixed1,0001100,00011,6978alawFully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon [SAMPA] containing all transcribed words
100 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place, and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items, phonetically rich sentences and words
French (Canada) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound French (France) conversational smartphone
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone159 hours AddFRF_ASR004Appen GlobalConversational SpeechFrenchFranceMixed (home, car, public place, outdoor)2981Available on requestAvailable on request48wavTwo person conversations covering a broad range of generic topics including clothing, culture, education, finance, food, health, history, hospitality, insurance, media/entertainment, sports, travel/holiday, weather and work.
Each speaker participates in up to 12 conversations that are 5-15 minutes long.
Pronunciation lexicon not currently available but can be developed upon request
French (France) conversational smartphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound French (France) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline25 hours AddFRF_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechFrenchFranceLow background noise5632Available on request11,9228alawDataset is fully transcribed and time stamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
For the majority of calls, both speakers (in-line/out-line) were collected and transcribed, however, for a smaller number of calls, only one half of the conversation was collected and transcribed
French (France) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound French (France) In-Car
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, In Car HMI & EntertainmentMicrophone and mobile phone113 hours AddFrench SpeechDat-CarNuanceScripted SpeechFrenchFranceMixed (in-car)300537,500Available on request16 and 8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
Approximately 125 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names (some spontaneous), generic command and control items, phonetically rich words and sentences and prompts for spontaneous speech
113.7 hours
French (France) In-Car
Down arrow Product Type ots-text French (France) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A95,000 words Addfra_FRA_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryFrenchFranceN/AN/AN/AN/A95,000N/AtextFrench (France) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text French (France) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A112,000 words Addfra_FRA_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryFrenchFranceN/AN/AN/AN/A112,000N/AtextFrench (France) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound French (France) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone26 hours AddFRF_ASR003Global PhoneScripted SpeechFrenchFranceLow background noise (home/office)98110,273Available on request16wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
French (France) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound French (France) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantLandline only41 hours AddFrench SpeechDat(II) FDB-1000NuanceScripted SpeechFrenchFranceLow background noise (home/office)1,017148,000Available on request8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
48 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items and phonetically rich sentences and words
French (France) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound French (France) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantLandline only305 hours AddFrench SpeechDat(II) FDB-5000NuanceScripted SpeechFrenchFranceLow background noise5,0401237,000Available on request8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
47 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items and phonetically rich sentences and words
French (France) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound French (Luxembourg) telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantLandline only45 hours AddLuxembourgish French SpeechDat(II) FDB-500 (FIXED1LF)NuanceScripted SpeechFrenchLuxembourgLow background noise614132,000Available on request8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
53 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items and phonetically rich sentences and words
French (Luxembourg) telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound German (Germany) conversational smartphone
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone104 hours AddDEU_ASR004Appen GlobalConversational SpeechGermanGermanyMixed (home, car, public place, outdoor)1981Available on requestAvailable on request48wavTwo person conversations covering a broad range of generic topics including clothing, culture, education, finance, food, health, history, hospitality, insurance, media/entertainment, sports, travel/holiday, weather and work.
Each speaker participates in up to 12 conversations that are 5-15 minutes long.
Pronunciation lexicon not currently available but can be developed upon request
German (Germany) conversational smartphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text German (Germany) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A146,000 words Adddeu_DEU_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryGermanGermanyN/AN/AN/AN/A146,000N/AtextGerman (Germany) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound German (Germany) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone16 hours AddDEU_ASR001Appen GlobalScripted SpeechGermanGermanyLow background noise (studio)127212,7006,82648raw PCMDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
Each speaker read 100 prompts including digits, natural numbers, personal and city names, telephone numbers, generic command and control items, phonetically rich sentences and words
German (Germany) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound German (Germany) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone25 hours AddDEU_ASR003Global PhoneScripted SpeechGermanGermanyLow background noise (home/office)77110,085Available on request16wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
German (Germany) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound German (Germany) telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantLandline only31 hours AddGerman SpeechDat (II) FDB-1000NuanceScripted SpeechGermanGermanyLow background noise (home/office)988143,000Available on request8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
44 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items and phonetically rich sentences and words
German (Germany) telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound German (Germany) telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantLandline only268 hours AddGerman SpeechDat(II) FDB-4000NuanceScripted SpeechGermanGermanyLow background noise (home/office)4,0001160,000Available on request8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
40 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items and phonetically rich sentences and words
German (Germany) telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound German (Luxembourg) telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantLandline only33 hours AddLuxembourgish German SpeechDat(II) FDB-500 (FIXED1LG)NuanceScripted SpeechGermanLuxembourgLow background noise500126,500Available on request8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
53 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items and phonetically rich sentences and words
German (Luxembourg) telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text German (Switzerland) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A27,000 words Adddeu_CHE_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryGermanSwitzerlandN/AN/AN/AN/A27,000N/AtextGerman (Switzerland) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound German (Switzerland) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone53 hours AddSpeecon German (Switzerland) databaseNuanceScripted SpeechGermanSwitzerlandMixed (office, entertainment, car, public place)600 (550 adult speakers and 50 child speakers)4170,000Available on request16Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
290 prompts per adult speaker and 210 prompts per child speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, application words for adult speakers, command (toy, phone and general) for child speakers, phonetically rich words and sentences and free and elicited spontaneous responses for adult speakers
German (Switzerland) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound German (Turkey) telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantMobile phone and landline31 hours AddOrienTel German Spoken by TurkishNuanceScripted SpeechGermanTurkeyLow background noise300115,600Available on request8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
52 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items and phonetically rich sentences and words
German (Turkey) telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Greek (Greece) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A5,000 words Addell_GRC_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryGreekGreeceN/AN/AN/AN/A5,000N/AtextGreek (Greece) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Greek (Greece) scripted smartphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMobile phone191 hours AddGRE_ASR001_CNAppen ChinaScripted SpeechGreekGreeceLow background noise (home/office)287154,11368,27116wavDataset contains audio with corresponding text promptsGreek (Greece) scripted smartphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Guarani (Paraguay) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A35,000 words Addgrn_PRY_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryGuaraniParaguayN/AN/AN/AN/A35,000N/AtextGuarani (Paraguay) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Haitian Creole (Haiti) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A15,000 words Addhat_HTI_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryHaitian CreoleHaitiN/AN/AN/AN/A15,000N/AtextHaitian Creole (Haiti) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-image Handwritten text document OCR
Image Document Processing, Document SearchCamera, scan964 images AddIMG_OCR_HandwrittenAppen GlobalDocument OCRN/AN/AMixed lighting conditionsN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ApngThis is a subset of IMG_OCR_B2C_Other. Scans and photographs of handwritten forms and handwritten documents. 6 Languages collected in 23+ locales: 8% Arabic, 41% English, 7% French, 2% German, 20% Russian, 22% SpanishHandwritten text document OCR
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Hausa (Nigeria) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone33 hours AddHAU_ASR002Appen GlobalConversational SpeechHausaNigeriaLow background noise2002Available on request7,9498alawDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
200 telephony conversations are recorded for this project - 100 speakers make 2 calls each (1 from landline, 1 from mobile) to a pool of 100 call receivers
Hausa (Nigeria) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Hausa (Nigeria) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A11,000 words Addhau_NGA_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryHausaNigeriaN/AN/AN/AN/A11,000N/AtextHausa (Nigeria) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Hausa scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone20 hours AddHAU_ASR001Global PhoneScripted SpeechHausaCameroonLow background noise (home/office)10317,895Available on request16wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Hausa scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Hebrew (Israel) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline34 hours AddHEB_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechHebrewIsraelLow background noise2002Available on request19,2508alaw or wavDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
200 telephony conversations are recorded for this project - 100 speakers make 2 calls each (1 from landline, 1 from mobile) to a pool of 100 call receivers
50% landline, 50% mobile
Conversations cover a range of topics including: Friends, Family and Studies.
Hebrew (Israel) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Hebrew (Israel) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A31,000 words Addheb_ISR_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryHebrewIsraelN/AN/AN/AN/A31,000N/AtextHebrew (Israel) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Hindi (India) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech Analytics, TTSMobile phone and landline32 hours AddHIN_ASR002Appen GlobalConversational SpeechHindiIndiaMixed9962Available on request12,2668wavDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
For the majority of calls, both speakers (in-line/out-line) were collected and transcribed, however, for a smaller number of calls, only one half of the conversation was collected and transcribed
29% landline, 71% mobile
Hindi (India) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Hindi (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language Modelling35,000 words Addhin_IND_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryHindiIndiaN/AN/AN/AN/A35,000N/AtextHindi (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Hindi (India) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, TTSMobile phone224 hours AddHIN_ASR001Appen GlobalScripted SpeechHindiIndiaLow background noise1,920196,0009,8538alawFully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon [SAMPA] containing all transcribed words
50 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, personal, business and place names, web addresses, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items, phonetically rich sentences and words
Hindi (India) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-video Human body movement
Video Fitness Applications, Action Classification, Gesture RecognitionMobile phone2000 videos AddVED_HUMAN_BODY_CNAppen ChinaHuman BodyN/AChinaMixed background and lighting conditions1000N/AN/AN/AN/Amp4Video clips are approximately 10-20 seconds longHuman body movement
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Hungarian (Hungary) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A500 words Addhun_HUN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryHungarianHungaryN/AN/AN/AN/A500N/AtextHungarian (Hungary) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Hungarian (Hungary) scripted smartphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMobile phone286 hours AddHUN_ASR001_CNAppen ChinaScripted SpeechHungarianHungaryLow background noise (home/office)254194,031201,92116wavDataset contains audio with corresponding text promptsHungarian (Hungary) scripted smartphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Hungarian (Hungary) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantLandline only65 hours AddHungarian SpeechDat(E)NuanceScripted SpeechHungarianHungaryLow background noise1,000148,000Available on request8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
48 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items and phonetically rich sentences and words
Hungarian (Hungary) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Igbo (Nigeria) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A30,000 words Addibo_NGA_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryIgboNigeriaN/AN/AN/AN/A30,000N/AtextIgbo (Nigeria) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Indonesian (Indonesia) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A10,000 words Addind_IDN_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryIndonesianIndonesiaN/AN/AN/AN/A10,000N/AtextIndonesian (Indonesia) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Indonesian (Indonesia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A95,000 words Addind_IDN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryIndonesianIndonesiaN/AN/AN/AN/A95,000N/AtextIndonesian (Indonesia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Inner Mongolian (China) Conversational Speech
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone100 hours AddNMG_ASR001_CNAppen ChinaConversational SpeechInner MongolianChinaLow background noise200116wavAudio only; transcription not included
Audio recordings cover the following areas: Xilingol League, Tongliao, Hohhot. Each recording session contains about 30 minutes of free dialogue between 2 people.
Inner Mongolian (China) Conversational Speech
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Iranian Persian (Farsi) (Iran) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline30 hours AddFAR_ASR002Appen GlobalConversational SpeechIranian Persian (Farsi)IranMixed1,0002Available on request12,3588wavDataset is fully transcribed and time stamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
Iranian Persian (Farsi) (Iran) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Iranian Persian (Farsi) (Iran) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantMobile phone and landline85 hours AddFAR_ASR001Appen GlobalScripted SpeechIranian Persian (Farsi)IranMixed789138,4008,7168alawFully transcribed to OrienTel type conventions
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon [SAMPA] containing all transcribed words
48 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place, and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items, phonetically rich sentences and words
Iranian Persian (Farsi) (Iran) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Iranian Persian (Iran) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A1,400,000 words Addpes_IRN_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryIranian PersianIranN/AN/AN/AN/A1,400,000N/AtextIranian Persian (Iran) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Iranian Persian (Iran) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A80,000 words Addpes_IRN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryIranian PersianIranN/AN/AN/AN/A80,000N/AtextIranian Persian (Iran) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Italian (Italy) conversational smartphone
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone256 hours AddITA_ASR005Appen GlobalConversational SpeechItalianItalyMixed (home, car, public place, outdoor)4821Available on requestAvailable on request48wavTwo person conversations covering a broad range of generic topics including clothing, culture, education, finance, food, health, history, hospitality, insurance, media/entertainment, sports, travel/holiday, weather and work.
Each speaker participates in up to 12 conversations that are 5-15 minutes long.
Pronunciation lexicon not currently available but can be developed upon request
Italian (Italy) conversational smartphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Italian (Italy) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline36 hours AddITA_ASR003Appen GlobalConversational SpeechItalianItalyLow background noise2002Available on request18,9748alawDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
200 telephony conversations are recorded for this project - 100 speakers make 2 calls each (1 from landline, 1 from mobile) to a pool of 100 call receivers
50% landline, 50% mobile
Conversations cover a range of topics including: Travel, Family and Holidays.
Italian (Italy) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Italian (Italy) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A171,000 words Addita_ITA_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryItalianItalyN/AN/AN/AN/A171,000N/AtextItalian (Italy) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Italian (Italy) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A197,000 words Addita_ITA_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryItalianItalyN/AN/AN/AN/A197,000N/AtextItalian (Italy) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Italian (Italy) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone44 hours AddITA_ASR001Appen GlobalScripted SpeechItalianItalyMixed200440,0007,31622raw PCMFully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
200 prompts per speaker including 100 command and control type items and 100 phonetically rich sentences
Italian (Italy) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Italian (Italy) scripted microphone
Audio TTSMicrophone3 hours AddITA_TTS001Appen GlobalScripted SpeechItalianItalyLow background noise (studio)113,300Available on request22raw PCMDataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all words spoken in the Dataset
3,300 prompts per speaker including phonetically rich sentences
Italian (Italy) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Italian (Italy) scripted microphone in-car
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, In Car HMI & EntertainmentMicrophone47 hours AddITA_ASR002Appen GlobalScripted SpeechItalianItalyMixed (in-car)205435,87510,36648raw PCMFully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
350 prompts per speaker including digits, street names, generic command and control items, phonetically rich sentences and words
Each speaker recorded 1or 2 sessions including Session 1 in a parked vehicle with the engine running and Session 2 in a vehicle travelling at 60 mph (100 km/h)
Italian (Italy) scripted microphone in-car
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Italian (Italy) telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantLandline only38 hours AddItalian Fixed Network Speech SpeechDat(M) CorpusNuanceScripted SpeechItalianItalyLow background noise (home/office)1,000139,000Available on request8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
39 prompts per speaker includign isolated and connected digits, natural numbers, money amounts, spelled words, time and date phrases, yes/no questions, city names, common application words, application words in phrases and phonetically rich sentences
Italian (Italy) telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Italian (Italy) telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantLandline only228 hours AddItalian SpeechDat(II) FDB-3000NuanceScripted SpeechItalianItalyLow background noise (home/office)3,0401134,000Available on request8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
44 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items and phonetically rich sentences and words
Italian (Italy) telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Italian (Italy) telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantMobile phone103 hours AddItalian SpeechDat(II) MDB-250NuanceScripted SpeechItalianItalyLow background noise (home/office)375119,000Available on request8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
51 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items and phonetically rich sentences and words
Italian (Italy) telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Italian (Italy) telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantMobile phone13 hours AddSpeechDat(M) Italian Mobile Network Speech DatabaseNuanceScripted SpeechItalianItalyLow background noise (home/office)342113,500Available on request8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
40 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items and phonetically rich sentences and words
Italian (Italy) telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Japanese (Japan) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A269,000 words Addjpn_JPN_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryJapaneseJapanN/AN/AN/AN/A269,000N/AtextJapanese (Japan) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Japanese (Japan) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A262,000 words Addjpn_JPN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryJapaneseJapanN/AN/AN/AN/A262,000N/AtextJapanese (Japan) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Japanese (Japan) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone33 hours AddJPN_ASR001Global PhoneScripted SpeechJapaneseJapanLow background noise (home/office)144113,067Available on request16wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Japanese (Japan) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Japanese (Japan) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone57 hours AddSpeecon JapaneseNuanceScripted SpeechJapaneseJapanMixed (office, entertainment, car, public place)600 (550 adult speakers and 50 child speakers)4170,000Available on request16Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
290 prompts per adult speaker and 210 prompts per child speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, application words for adult speakers, command (toy, phone and general) for child speakers, phonetically rich words and sentences and free and elicited spontaneous responses for adult speakers
Japanese (Japan) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Japanese NER news text
Text NER, Content Classification, Search EnginesN/A20,629 sentences AddJPY_NER001Appen GlobalNews NERJapaneseJapanN/AN/AN/A20,629Available on requestN/AtextJapanese NER news text
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Javanese (Indonesia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A20,000 words Addjav_IDN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryJavaneseIndonesiaN/AN/AN/AN/A20,000N/AtextJavanese (Indonesia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Kannada (India) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline15 hours AddKAN_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechKannadaIndiaMixed1782Available on request15,6608alawDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
Kannada (India) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Kannada (India) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline57 hours AddKAN_ASR001AAppen GlobalConversational SpeechKannadaIndiaMixed1,0002Available on request15,6608alawApprox. 25% of the dataset sessions are transcribed and time stamped - full transcripts can be made available
Database is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
16% Hands-Free car, 16% Landline quiet, 15% Mobile quiet, 17% Moving vehicle, 19% Public place, 17% Roadside
Kannada (India) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Kannada (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A49,000 words Addkan_IND_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryKannadaIndiaN/AN/AN/AN/A49,000N/AtextKannada (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Kazakh (Kazakhstan) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A30,000 words Addkaz_KAZ_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryKazakhKazakhstanN/AN/AN/AN/A30,000N/AtextKazakh (Kazakhstan) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Korean (South Korea) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A100,000 words Addkor_KOR_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryKoreanSouth KoreaN/AN/AN/AN/A100,000N/AtextKorean (South Korea) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Korean (South Korea) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A100,000 words Addkor_KOR_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryKoreanSouth KoreaN/AN/AN/AN/A100,000N/AtextKorean (South Korea) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Korean (South Korea) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone20 hours AddKOR_ASR001Global PhoneScripted SpeechKoreanSouth KoreaLow background noise (home/office)10018,107Available on request16wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Korean (South Korea) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Korean NER news text
Text NER, Content Classification, Search EnginesN/A25,830 sentences AddKOR_NER001Appen GlobalNews NERKoreanSouth KoreaN/AN/AN/A25,830Available on requestN/AtextKorean NER news text
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Kurmanji (Turkey) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A60,000 words Addkur_TUR_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryKurmanjiTurkeyN/AN/AN/AN/A60,000N/AtextKurmanji (Turkey) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Lao (Laos) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A9,000 words Addlao_LAO_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryLaoLaosN/AN/AN/AN/A9,000N/AtextLao (Laos) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Lithuanian (Lithuania) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A71,000 words Addlit_LTU_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryLithuanianLithuaniaN/AN/AN/AN/A71,000N/AtextLithuanian (Lithuania) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Malayalam (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A19,000 words Addmal_IND_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryMalayalamIndiaN/AN/AN/AN/A19,000N/AtextMalayalam (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Malaysian (Malaysia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A10,000 words Addmsa_MYS_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryMalaysianMalaysiaN/AN/AN/AN/A10,000N/AtextMalaysian (Malaysia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Mandarin (Simplified) (China) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A35,000 words Addzho_CHN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryMandarin (Simplified)ChinaN/AN/AN/AN/A35,000N/AtextMandarin (Simplified) (China) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Mandarin (Traditional) (Taiwan) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A50,000 words Addzho_TWN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryMandarin (Traditional)TaiwanN/AN/AN/AN/A50,000N/AtextMandarin (Traditional) (Taiwan) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Mandarin Chinese (China) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone26 hours AddMAC_ASR002Global PhoneScripted SpeechMandarin ChineseChinaLow background noise (home/office)132110,225Available on request16wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Mandarin Chinese (China) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Mandarin Chinese (China) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantMobile phone and landline323 hours AddMAC_ASR001Appen GlobalScripted SpeechMandarin ChineseChinaMixed2,0001200,0007,1458alawFully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon [SAMPA] containing all transcribed words
98 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place, and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items (from a set of 215), phonetically rich sentences and words
Mandarin Chinese (China) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Mandarin NER news text
Text NER, Content Classification, Search EnginesN/A17,313 sentences AddMAC_NER001Appen GlobalNews NERMandarin ChineseChinaN/AN/AN/A17,313Available on requestN/AtextMandarin NER news text
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Marathi (India) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline15 hours AddMAR_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechMarathiIndiaMixed1802Available on request11,9088alawApprox. 29% of the dataset sessions are transcribed and time stamped - full transcripts can be made available
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
17% Hands-Free car, 16% Landline quiet, 19% Mobile quiet, 16% Moving vehicle, 16% Public place, 17% Roadside
Marathi (India) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Marathi (India) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline52 hours AddMAR_ASR001AAppen GlobalConversational SpeechMarathiIndiaMixed1,0002Available on request11,9088alawPortion of the dataset sessions are transcribed and time stamped - full transcripts can be made available
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
Marathi (India) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Marathi (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A30,000 words Addmar_IND_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryMarathiIndiaN/AN/AN/AN/A30,000N/AtextMarathi (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Mongolian (Mongolia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A30,000 words Addmon_MNG_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryMongolianMongoliaN/AN/AN/AN/A30,000N/AtextMongolian (Mongolia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Norwegian (Norway) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A3,000 words Addnor_NOR_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryNorwegianNorwayN/AN/AN/AN/A3,000N/AtextNorwegian (Norway) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Norwegian (Norway) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A115,000 words Addnor_NOR_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryNorwegianNorwayN/AN/AN/AN/A115,000N/AtextNorwegian (Norway) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-image Object Image Collection
Image Image label recognition trainingMobile phone and camera2196 images AddIMG_TAG_CNAppen ChinaObject ImageN/AN/AMixed lighting conditionsN/AN/AN/AjpgMulti-scene picture sample library of 2196 images, with the following categories: KTV: 50, Department store: 55, Office: 100; Museum: 63; Electrical appliances: 55; Marine: 191; Car: 50; Handbags: 35; Night view: 54; Sports equipment: 54; Convenience stores: 34; Restaurant: 54; Window scenery: 62; Pets: 82; Ship: 50; Zoo, 70; Clothing store: 53; Beach: 95; Airport: 65 tickets; Gym: 47; Attractions: 77; Crowd: 67; Desert: 73; Beach: 68; Mountain area: 54; Shopping mall: 55; Trees: 85; Sky: 102; Snow: 71; Snow Mountain: 53; Night view: 78; Playground: 94Object Image Collection
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Oriya (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A15,000 words Addori_IND_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryOriyaIndiaN/AN/AN/AN/A15,000N/AtextOriya (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Panjabi (Pakistan) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline20 hours AddPAP_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechPanjabiPakistanLow background noise2052Available on request7,2988alawDataset is fully transcribed and time-stamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
71% of calls, both speakers (in-line/out-line) were collected and transcribed, however, for 29% calls, only one half of the conversation was collected and transcribed
Panjabi (Pakistan) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Pashto (Afghanistan) broadcast
Audio ASR, Automatic Captioning, Keyword SpottingMicrophone51 hours AddPAS_BRC001Appen GlobalBroadcast SpeechNorthern Pashto - Southern PashtoAfghanistanLow background noise (studio)N/A1Available on requestAvailable on requestN/AwavDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Pronunciation lexicon not currently available but can be developed upon request
Dataset is largely speech only and does not include music or advertisements
Data types include: talk shows, interviews, news broadcasts (excluding news reading by anchors)
Pashto (Afghanistan) broadcast
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Pashto (Afghanistan) conversational microphone
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMicrophone39 hours AddPAS_ASR002Appen GlobalConversational SpeechNorthern Pashto - Southern PashtoAfghanistanLow background noise402348609,48016wavDataset is fully transcribed and time stamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
A full translation of the transcripts into French is also available as an optional additional purchase
Average length of calls: 120 mins where one speaker acts as an interviewer and the other as the interviewee for scenarios are similar to TransTAC style (e.g. civil affairs, checkpoints etc.)
The interviewer appears in more than one set of dialogues but the interviewee is unique for each set
Pashto (Afghanistan) conversational microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Pashto (Afghanistan) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline55 hours AddPAS_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechNorthern Pashto - Southern PashtoAfghanistanLow background noise9672Available on request13,6338wavDataset is fully transcribed and time stamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
For the majority of calls, both speakers (in-line/out-line) were collected and transcribed, however, for a smaller number of calls, only one half of the conversation was collected and transcribed
25% landline, 75% mobile
Pashto (Afghanistan) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Pashto (Afghanistan) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A65,000 words Addpus_AFG_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryPashtoAfghanistanN/AN/AN/AN/A65,000N/AtextPashto (Afghanistan) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Polish (Poland) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A4,000 words Addpol_POL_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryPolishPolandN/AN/AN/AN/A4,000N/AtextPolish (Poland) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Polish (Poland) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A40,000 words Addpol_POL_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryPolishPolandN/AN/AN/AN/A40,000N/AtextPolish (Poland) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Polish (Poland) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone25 hours AddPOL_ASR001Global PhoneScripted SpeechPolishPolandLow background noise (home/office)99110,130Available on request16wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Polish (Poland) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Polish (Poland) scripted smartphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMobile phone293 hours AddPOL_ASR002_CNAppen ChinaScripted SpeechPolishPolandLow background noise (home/office)3531106,674168,54416wavDataset contains audio with corresponding text promptsPolish (Poland) scripted smartphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Polish (Poland) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantLandline only78 hours AddPolish SpeechDat(E) DatabaseNuanceScripted SpeechPolishPolandLow background noise1,000148,000Available on request8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
48 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items and phonetically rich sentences and words
Polish (Poland) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Portuguese (Brazil) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline33 hours AddPTB_ASR002Appen GlobalConversational SpeechPortugueseBrazilLow background noise200233,83711,2878alaw or wavDataset is fully transcribed and time stamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
63% landline, 38% mobile
Portuguese (Brazil) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Portuguese (Brazil) microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone26 hours AddPTB_ASR001Global PhoneScripted SpeechPortugueseBrazilLow background noise (home/office)102110,417Available on request16wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Portuguese (Brazil) microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Portuguese (Brazil) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A98,000 words Addpor_BRA_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryPortugueseBrazilN/AN/AN/AN/A98000N/AtextPortuguese (Brazil) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Portuguese (Brazil) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A102,000 words Addpor_BRA_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryPortugueseBrazilN/AN/AN/AN/A102,000N/AtextPortuguese (Brazil) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Portuguese (Portugal) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline36 hours AddPTP_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechPortuguesePortugalLow background noise200236,58616,3398alaw or wavDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
200 telephony conversations are recorded for this project - 100 speakers make 2 calls each (1 from landline, 1 from mobile) to a pool of 100 call receivers
Portuguese (Portugal) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Portuguese (Portugal) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A60,000 words Addpor_PRT_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryPortuguesePortugalN/AN/AN/AN/A60,000N/AtextPortuguese (Portugal) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Portuguese (Portugal) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A112,000 words Addpor_PRT_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryPortuguesePortugalN/AN/AN/AN/A112,000N/AtextPortuguese (Portugal) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Romanian (Romania) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline37 hours AddROM_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechRomanianRomaniaLow background noise2002Available on request16,6588alawDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
200 telephony conversations are recorded for this project - 100 speakers make 2 calls each (1 from landline, 1 from mobile) to a pool of 100 call receivers
50% landline, 50% mobile
Conversations cover a range of topics including: Leisure, Work and Sport.
Romanian (Romania) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Romanian (Romania) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A15,000 words Addron_ROU_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryRomanianRomaniaN/AN/AN/AN/A15,000N/AtextRomanian (Romania) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Russian (Russia) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline37 hours AddRUS_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechRussianRussiaLow background noise2002Available on request28,2848alaw or wavDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
200 telephony conversations are recorded for this project - 100 speakers make 2 calls each (1 from landline, 1 from mobile) to a pool of 100 call receivers
50% landline, 50% mobile
Russian (Russia) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Russian (Russia) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A100,000 words Addrus_RUS_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryRussianRussiaN/AN/AN/AN/A100,000N/AtextRussian (Russia) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Russian (Russia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A115,000 words Addrus_RUS_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryRussianRussiaN/AN/AN/AN/A115,000N/AtextRussian (Russia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Russian (Russia) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone31 hours AddRUS_ASR002Global PhoneScripted SpeechRussianRussiaLow background noise (home/office)115112,205Available on request16wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Russian (Russia) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Russian (Russia) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone46 hours AddSpeecon Russian DatabaseNuanceScripted SpeechRussianRussiaMixed (office, entertainment, car, public place)600 (550 adult speakers and 50 child speakers)4170,000Available on request16Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
290 prompts per adult speaker and 210 prompts per child speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, application words for adult speakers, command (toy, phone and general) for child speakers, phonetically rich words and sentences and free and elicited spontaneous responses for adult speakers
Russian (Russia) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Russian (Russia) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantLandline only180 hours AddRussian SpeechDat(E) DatabaseNuanceScripted SpeechRussianRussiaLow background noise2,5001112,000Available on request8alawDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
45 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items and phonetically rich sentences and words
Russian (Russia) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Russian NER news text
Text NER, Content Classification, Search EnginesN/A29,888 sentences AddRUS_NER001Appen GlobalNews NERRussianRussiaN/AN/AN/A29,888Available on requestN/AtextRussian NER news text
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Serbian (Serbia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A15,000 words Addsrp_SRB_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionarySerbianSerbiaN/AN/AN/AN/A15,000N/AtextSerbian (Serbia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Shanghai dialect (China) Conversational Speech
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone4.5 hours AddSHANGHAI_ASR002_CNAppen ChinaConversational SpeechShanghai dialectChinaLow background noise1418wavAudio only, transcription not included
Audio recordings cover the following districts: Shanghai Huangpu District, Xuhui District, Changning District, Jing 'an District, Putuo District, Hongkou District, Yangpu District, Pudong New Area
Shanghai suburb accents not included, and no minors were recorded.
Each recording session contains 20-30 minutes of free dialogue between 2-5 people.
Sensitive data and personal information has been scrubbed.
Shanghai dialect (China) Conversational Speech
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Shanghai dialect (China) Conversational Speech
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsRecording pen/microphone21 hours AddSHANGHAI_ASR001_CNAppen ChinaConversational SpeechShanghai dialectChinaLow background noise51116wavAudio only, transcription not included
Audio recordings cover the following districts: Shanghai Huangpu District, Xuhui District, Changning District, Jing 'an District, Putuo District, Hongkou District, Yangpu District, Pudong New Area
Shanghai suburb accents not included, and no minors were recorded.
Each recording session contains 20-30 minutes of free dialogue between 2-5 people.
Sensitive data and personal information has been scrubbed.
Shanghai dialect (China) Conversational Speech
Down arrow Product Type ots-image Simplified Chinese printed text OCR
Image Document Processing, Document SearchCamera200 images AddIMG_OCR_MAC_CNAppen ChinaDocument OCRN/AChinaMixed lighting conditions30N/AN/AN/AN/AjpgText in each image is labeled with bounding boxes by the line
Images containing heavy text in Chinese, including books, publications, posters, receipts, PPT, printed paper, etc.
Simplified Chinese printed text OCR
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Slovak (Slovakia) scripted telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantLandline only65 hours AddSlovak SpeechDat(E) DatabaseNuanceScripted SpeechSlovakSlovakiaLow background noise1,000148,000Available on request8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
48 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items and phonetically rich sentences and words
Slovak (Slovakia) scripted telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Slovenian (Slovenian) telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantLandline only76 hours AddSlovenian SpeechDat(II) FDB-1000NuanceScripted SpeechSlovenianSloveniaLow background noise (home/office)1,000140,000Available on request8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
Approximately 40 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items and phonetically rich sentences and words
Slovenian (Slovenian) telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Somali (Somalia) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline50 hours AddSOM_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechSomaliSomaliaLow background noise1,0002Available on request23,2178alawDataset is fully transcribed and time stamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
1% landline, 99% mobile
Somali (Somalia) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Somali (Somalia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A76,000 words Addsom_SOM_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionarySomaliSomaliaN/AN/AN/AN/A76,000N/AtextSomali (Somalia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Sorani (Iraq) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A25,000 words Addkur_IRQ_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionarySoraniIraqN/AN/AN/AN/A25,000N/AtextSorani (Iraq) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Sorani (Kurdish) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline5 hours AddSOR_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechCentral Kurdish (Iran)IranLow background noise1702Available on request7,9248alaw or wavDataset is fully transcribed and time stamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
For a large proportion of calls, only one half of the conversation was collected and transcribed
Sorani (Kurdish) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Spanish (Argentina) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A15,000 words Addspa_ARG_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionarySpanishArgentinaN/AN/AN/AN/A15,000N/AtextSpanish (Argentina) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Spanish (Chile) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A15,000 words Addspa_CHL_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionarySpanishChileN/AN/AN/AN/A15,000N/AtextSpanish (Chile) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Spanish (Colombia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A15,000 words Addspa_COL_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionarySpanishColombiaN/AN/AN/AN/A15,000N/AtextSpanish (Colombia) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Spanish (Latin America - Chile and Colombia) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Call Centre, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline22 hours AddESL_ASR002Appen GlobalConversational SpeechSpanishChile-ColumbiaMixed84222,098Available on request8wavDataset is fully transcribed and time-stamped
Pronunciation lexicon not currently available but can be developed upon request
Call Center
Call Centre style conversations (by 64 customers, 14 agents) in banking and telco domains, primarily using mobile phone
Spanish (Latin America - Chile and Colombia) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Spanish (Latin America) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone17 hours AddESL_ASR001Global PhoneScripted SpeechSpanishCosta RicaLow background noise (home/office)10016,898Available on request16wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Spanish (Latin America) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Spanish (Peru) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A15,000 words Addspa_PER_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionarySpanishPeruN/AN/AN/AN/A15,000N/AtextSpanish (Peru) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Spanish (Spain) conversational smartphone
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone223 hours AddESP_ASR003Appen GlobalConversational SpeechSpanishSpainMixed (home, car, public place, outdoor)4141Available on requestAvailable on request48wavTwo person conversations covering a broad range of generic topics including clothing, culture, education, finance, food, health, history, hospitality, insurance, media/entertainment, sports, travel/holiday, weather and work.
Each speaker participates in up to 12 conversations that are 5-15 minutes long.
Pronunciation lexicon not currently available but can be developed upon request
Spanish (Spain) conversational smartphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Spanish (Spain) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A100,000 words Addspa_ESP_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionarySpanishSpainN/AN/AN/AN/A100,000N/AtextSpanish (Spain) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Spanish (Spain) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone39 hours AddESP_ASR001Appen GlobalScripted SpeechSpanishSpainMixed200440,0006,36722raw PCMFully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
200 prompts per speaker including 100 command and control type items and 100 phonetically rich sentences
Spanish (Spain) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Spanish (Spain) scripted microphone
Audio TTSMicrophone1 hour AddESP_TTS001Appen GlobalScripted SpeechSpanishSpainLow background noise (studio)111,7873,61422wavDataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all words spoken in the Dataset
1,787 prompts per speaker including phonetically rich sentences
Spanish (Spain) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Spanish (Spain) scripted microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone46 hours AddSpeecon Spanish DatabaseNuanceScripted SpeechSpanishSpainMixed (office, entertainment, car, public place)600 (550 adult speakers and 50 child speakers)4170,000Available on request16Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
290 prompts per adult speaker and 210 prompts per child speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, application words for adult speakers, command (toy, phone and general) for child speakers, phonetically rich words and sentences and free and elicited spontaneous responses for adult speakers
Spanish (Spain) scripted microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Spanish (United States) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A90,000 words Addspa_USA_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionarySpanishUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/A90,000N/AtextSpanish (United States) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Spanish (Venezuela) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A15,000 words Addspa_VEN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionarySpanishVenezuelaN/AN/AN/AN/A15,000N/AtextSpanish (Venezuela) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Swahili (Kenya) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A66,000 words Addswa_KEN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionarySwahiliKenyaN/AN/AN/AN/A66,000N/AtextSwahili (Kenya) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Swedish (Sweden) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A105,000 words Addswe_SWE_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionarySwedishSwedenN/AN/AN/AN/A105,000N/AtextSwedish (Sweden) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Swedish (Sweden) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A100,000 words Addswe_SWE_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionarySwedishSwedenN/AN/AN/AN/A100,000N/AtextSwedish (Sweden) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Swedish (Sweden/ Finland) microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone30 hours AddSWE_ASR001Global PhoneScripted SpeechSwedishSweden - FinlandLow background noise (home/office)98111,816Available on request16wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Swedish (Sweden/ Finland) microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Sylheti (Bangladesh - India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A22,000 words Addsyl_BGD -IND_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionarySylhetiBangladesh - IndiaN/AN/AN/AN/A22,000N/AtextSylheti (Bangladesh - India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Tagalog (Philippines) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A30,000 words Addtgl_PHL_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryTagalogPhilippinesN/AN/AN/AN/A30,000N/AtextTagalog (Philippines) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Tamil (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A106,000 words Addtam_IND_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryTamilIndiaN/AN/AN/AN/A106,000N/AtextTamil (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Telugu (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A50,000 words Addtel_IND_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryTeluguIndiaN/AN/AN/AN/A50,000N/AtextTelugu (India) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Thai (Thailand) microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone28 hours AddTHA_ASR001Global PhoneScripted SpeechThaiThailandLow background noise (home/office)98114,039Available on request16wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Thai (Thailand) microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-image Thai (Thailand) printed text OCR
Image Document Processing, Document SearchCamera1219 images AddIMG_OCR_THA_CNAppen ChinaDocument OCRThaiThailandMixed lighting conditions10N/AN/AN/AN/AjpgImages containing text, Shopping receipts / tickets / invoices / taxi slips, etc.Thai (Thailand) printed text OCR
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Thai (Thailand) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A30,000 words Addtha_THA_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryThaiThailandN/AN/AN/AN/A30,000N/AtextThai (Thailand) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Tok Pisin (Papua New Guinea) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A10,000 words Addtpi_PNG_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryTok PisinPapua New GuineaN/AN/AN/AN/A10,000N/AtextTok Pisin (Papua New Guinea) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Turkish (Turkey) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline41 hours AddTUR_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechTurkishTurkeyLow background noise2002Available on request32,3868alaw or wavDataset is fully transcribed and timestamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
200 telephony conversations are recorded for this project - 100 speakers make 2 calls each (1 from landline, 1 from mobile) to a pool of 100 call receivers
48% landline, 52% mobile
Turkish (Turkey) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Turkish (Turkey) microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone17 hours AddTUR_ASR002Global PhoneScripted SpeechTurkishTurkeyLow background noise (home/office)10016,950Available on request16wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Turkish (Turkey) microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Turkish (Turkey) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A257,000 words Addtur_TUR_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryTurkishTurkeyN/AN/AN/AN/A257,000N/AtextTurkish (Turkey) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Turkish (Turkey) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A255,000 words Addtur_TUR_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryTurkishTurkeyN/AN/AN/AN/A255,000N/AtextTurkish (Turkey) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Turkish (Turkey) telephony
Audio ASR, Virtual AssistantMobile phone and landline118 hours AddOrienTel Turkish DatabaseNuanceScripted SpeechTurkishTurkeyLow background noise1,700176,500Available on request8Available on requestDataset is fully transcribed to SpeechDAT type conventions and is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon and validation report
45 prompts per speaker including digits, natural numbers, letter strings, personal, place and business names, confirmation items (yes, no + fuzzy), generic command and control items and phonetically rich sentences and words
Turkish (Turkey) telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Ukrainian (Ukraine) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A5,000 words Addukr_UKR_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryUkrainianUkraineN/AN/AN/AN/A5,000N/AtextUkrainian (Ukraine) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Urdu (India/ Pakistan) conversational telephony
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone and landline47 hours AddURD_ASR001Appen GlobalConversational SpeechUrduIndia - PakistanMixed1,0002174,66610,8718wavDataset is fully transcribed and time stamped
Dataset is accompanied by a pronunciation lexicon containing all transcribed words
Environments: 9% Hands-free car, 7% Landline quiet, 34% mobile quiet, 29% public place, 16% roadside
Urdu (India/ Pakistan) conversational telephony
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Urdu (Pakistan) Part of Speech Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A12,000 words Addurd_PAK_POSAppen GlobalPart of Speech DictionaryUrduPakistanN/AN/AN/AN/A12,000N/AtextUrdu (Pakistan) Part of Speech Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Urdu (Pakistan) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A40,000 words Addurd_PAK_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryUrduPakistanN/AN/AN/AN/A40,000N/AtextUrdu (Pakistan) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Urdu NER news text
Text NER, Content Classification, Search EnginesN/A20,634 sentences AddURD_NER001Appen GlobalNews NERUrduPakistanN/AN/AN/A20,634Available on requestN/AtextUrdu NER news text
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Uygur (China) Conversational Speech
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone122 hours AddWWE_ASR001_CNAppen ChinaConversational SpeechUygurChinaLow background noise231116wavAudio only; transcription not included
Audio recordings cover the following areas: Hotan dialect, Central dialect.
Each recording session contains about 30 minutes of free dialogue between 2 people.
Uygur (China) Conversational Speech
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Vietnamese (Vietnam) microphone
Audio ASR, Virtual Assistant, ChatbotMicrophone19 hours AddVIE_ASR001Global PhoneScripted SpeechVietnameseVietnamLow background noise (home/office)129118,842Available on request16wavDataset is fully transcribed and the transcription is available both in original script and in Romanized form
Each speaker reads a number of phonetically rich sentences selected from national newspaper articles available from the web tocover a wide domain with large vocabulary
Developed in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Vietnamese (Vietnam) microphone
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Vietnamese (Vietnam) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A8,000 words Addvie_VNM_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryVietnameseVietnamN/AN/AN/AN/A8,000N/AtextVietnamese (Vietnam) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Wu (China) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A10,000 words Addwuu_CHN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryWuChinaN/AN/AN/AN/A10,000N/AtextWu (China) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Wuhan dialect (China) Conversational Speech
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsMobile phone58.6 hours AddWUHAN_ASR002_CNAppen ChinaConversational SpeechWuhan dialectChinaLow background noise18018wavAudio only; transcription not included
Audio recordings cover 5 districts of Wuhan: Jiang 'an, Jianghan, Qiao Kou, Hanyang and Wuchang
Northeast suburb accents not included, and no minors were recorded.
Each recording session contains 20-30 minutes of free dialogue between 2-5 people.
Sensitive data and personal information has been scrubbed.
Wuhan dialect (China) Conversational Speech
Down arrow Product Type ots-sound Wuhan dialect (China) Conversational Speech
Audio ASR, Conversational AI, Speech AnalyticsRecording pen/microphone44.71 hours AddWUHAN_ASR001_CNAppen ChinaConversational SpeechWuhan dialectChinaLow background noise135116wavAudio only; transcription not included
Audio recordings cover 5 districts of Wuhan: Jiang 'an, Jianghan, Qiao Kou, Hanyang and Wuchang
Northeast suburb accents not included, and no minors were recorded.
Each recording session contains 20-30 minutes of free dialogue between 2-5 people.
Sensitive data and personal information has been scrubbed.
Wuhan dialect (China) Conversational Speech
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Xiang (China) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A10,000 words Addhsn_CHN_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryXiangChinaN/AN/AN/AN/A10,000N/AtextXiang (China) Pronunciation Dictionary
Down arrow Product Type ots-text Zulu (South Africa) Pronunciation Dictionary
Text ASR, TTS, Language ModellingN/A75,000 words Addzul_ZAF_PHONAppen GlobalPronunciation DictionaryZuluSouth AfricaN/AN/AN/AN/A75,000N/AtextZulu (South Africa) Pronunciation Dictionary



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에펜의 고품질 데이터셋

에펜은 다양한 상용 데이터베이스와 400개가 넘는 라이센스 가능한 데이터셋을 제공하고 있습니다. 음성 데이터베이스는 80개 이상의 언어와 방언을 지원하며, TTS나 ASR과 같은 AI 애플리케이션 시나리오에 유용하게 활용할 수 있습니다. 에펜의 고품질 데이터셋과 AI 라이프사이클 전 과정에 걸친 고품질 솔루션을 통해 AI 프로젝트를 쉽고 빠르게 시작해 보세요!

빠른 배포 속도

빠른 배포 속도

준비된 데이터셋으로 AI와 ML 프로젝트 프로세스를 단축시켜 보세요.
저비용 고효율

저비용 고효율

라이선스가 부여된 기성 데이터셋은 직접 데이터를 수집 및 가공하는 것보다 훨씬 비용 효율적입니다.

전문가 지원

전문가 지원

데이터 수집 및 데이터셋 분야에서 20년 이상 활동해 온 전문가 팀이 함께 합니다.

모든 데이터 유형 지원

모든 데이터 유형 지원

이미지, 동영상, 음성, 오디오, 텍스트 등 찾고 계시는 모든 종류의 데이터셋을 지원합니다.
대규모 데이터 제공

대규모 데이터 제공

모델을 효율적으로 교육할 수 있는 대량의 고품질 데이터를 제공합니다.

고품질 데이터 제공

정확하게 전처리 된 데이터를 통해 기계 학습 모델 품질을 개선하고 데이터 편향을 줄입니다.


데이터 수집 및 가공

찾고 계시는 데이터가 있으신가요? 저희 에펜은 모든 데이터 유형에 대한 맞춤형 데이터 수집과 데이터 라벨링 서비스를 제공합니다. 지금 바로 문의하세요.
